Do you miss the Valley Film Society? Join us for a series of independent, foreign, and art house films at the library! In collaboration with Riverside Film Festival, we'll show a movie on selected Fridays and leave plenty of time afterward for discussion.
On this date, we will be watching Alone With Her Dreams (2019, 1 hr. 39 min.)
Lucia must stay behind under the care of her stern and overbearing grandmother in 1960's Sicily, while her parents and younger brother emigrate to France to find work. The girl is distraught and bitter about being left behind, and mopes the days away as the relaionship with her grandmother grows more and more contentious. Lucia grows increasingly curious about her grandmother's hatred towards other members of the family on the island, and begins to befriend them behind her grandmother’s back until one day she discovers the reason why and uncovers a terrible secret.