Mission Statement
It is the mission of Unity Festival, Inc. to enhance the community through community service. Revitalizing, restoring and rebuilding are our main objectives. Annually, Unity Festival, Inc. has presented a Unity Festival in the community to provide an outlet for the community to come together and feed off everyone’s positive energy. During the holidays, we give needy families Thanksgiving Baskets and Christmas Angels are given gifts.
Recently, Unity Festival , Inc. added a Mr. and Miss Unity Scholarship Contest in conjunction with the Unity Festival. The contest is to provide scholarships monies to deserving youth in the community. The objective of the contest is to provide young men and young women the opportunity to enhance their skills through mentorship, social programs, and community services. Emphasis is given to academic achievement and community consciousness.
We are dedicated to this mission and will strive towards the goal of a better community that will honor our past, grow our present and be a resource for our future.