Sunday, March 23, 2025
Masters' Gallery Exhibit - Inspired Paintings
Invited artists display their finest studio work inspired by their plein air work from the Forgotten Coast area. All of the paintings are for sale. Come see how smaller pieces produced outdoors become larger more developed works of art in studio. Located in the Wet Room at the Fort Coombs Armory at 66 4th Street in Apalachicola, this exhibit is open from 11:00am to 5:00pm daily.
Fort Coombs Armory - 66 4th Street Apalachicola, FL 32320
Wet Room Exhibits
The Wet Room this year is located at 66 4th Street in the Fort Coombs Armory in Apalachicola. See artwork turned in daily by the invited artists. Another exhibit in the wet room is the Masters Gallery Exhibit, which include larger format paintings done in the studio by returning artists that were inspired by plein air paintings done in the area.
The Armory will be open from Sunday, March 16th until Sunday, March 23rd from 11:00am-5:00pm daily, with the event closing on the 23rd at 3:00pm.
Make sure to stop by The Armory daily to see the art and purchase paintings for your own collection!
Fort Coombs Armory - 66 4th Street Apalachicola, FL 32320
Open House at the Wet Room
11:00AM 3:00PM
Our second Sunday and final day of the 2025 event will be the last opportunity to purchase artworks that capture the essence of our beautiful community and landscape. Come celebrate the end of the week together in Port St. Joe. Free event open to the public!
Fort Coombs Armory - 66 4th Street Apalachicola, FL 32320
Artists' Choice Demonstration
12:00PM 1:00PM
Watch the artist that was awarded Artists' Choice for this year. Who is it? We will only know after the reveal on Friday evening so come to the demo to watch this artist and a demonstration of their choice!
Fort Coombs Armory - 66 4th Street Apalachicola, FL 32320
Date: March 14 - 23, 2025