Directed by Leslie Champaine & Pip Gilmour, Documentary, 2023, India/Israel/USA/UK, English & Hindi with English subtitles, 84 min.
A magical journey from the streets of Mumbai to the stages of New York, Call Me Dancer is the story of perseverance, rebellion, passion, family, culture, and an unlikely friendship between a street dancer and
an Israeli dance master. Manish is a young and talented street dancer who dreams of becoming a professional dancer against the wishes of his struggling parents, who insist that he follow a traditional path. When he accidentally walks into an inner-city dance school and encounters 70-year-old Israeli ballet master Yehuda Maor, a hunger develops within him to keep going. Ambitious and passionate, Manish is determined to make it as a professional dancer, pushing himself to his physical limits if he has any chance to succeed. Though the odds are stacked against him, his perseverance through highs and lows reveals the power of dance to transform lives.
Tickets: $30
Price inclusive of a ticket to the film & reception
Dessert Reception following film
Dance performance and Q&A with Manish Chauhan following film.
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